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GHDS Call for 2024-2025 Volunteers 

Volunteer dentists are the lifeblood of the Greater Houston Dental Society, and their contributions to our society and community are truly priceless. 

It is the season for our annual "Call for Volunteers", and we would love for our GHDS Member Dentists to consider joining or "re-upping" in our volunteer army as we can continue to provide continuing education, advocacy, social and mentoring opportunities, and so much more to the Greater Houston dental community. The health of our society depends on the influx of new thoughts and ideas. 

Please use the links below to review the volunteer opportunities.

  • To review Standing Committee Opportunities – Click Here
  • To review Other Committee and Task Force Opportunities – Click Here

  • To review the 2024 Star of the South Dental Meeting Opportunities – Click Here

Once you have made your decision and chosen how you would like to volunteer just Click Here to submit your application. The application process and deadline dates will be explained at the top of the application.

For questions, please contact GHDS Executive Director, Kathryn Lewis, (713) 961-4337 ext. 102 / email